MissionConnexion Church Partner Application Form


For over 20 years, MissionConnexion has been a growing network of churches across the country, like yours, that collaborate together, share best biblical practices for missions’ engagement, mobilization and discipleship. MissionConnexion is held in partnership with local churches in your community who are connecting God’s people to mission.

Please complete this application to be a MissionConnexion Church Partner.

We will be in touch upon completion and review of your application.


To help your members grow in their commitment to missions, we invite you to join other churches in your region as a MissionConnexion Church Partner.

To become a MissionConnexion Church Partner, you agree to:

Promote MissionConnexion events through your church’s communication channels to your church members.

Pray for MissionConnexion events as they occur.

Encourage your members to attend and volunteer at MissionConnexion events.

Help underwrite your local MissionConnexion event that provides free admission through a donation.

Financial Commitment:

  • $500 smaller church (< 100 attendees)
  • $1000 mid-size church (100-500 attendees)
  • $2000 large church (> 500 attendees)

Appoint an ambassador in your church to serve as the official point of contact between your church and MissionConnexion.

Agree with the MissionConnexion Statement of Faith found at MissionConnexion.global/statement-of-faith.

Select Your Option(s)
Select Level

This is for churches who participate in MissionConnexion conferences and events generally held in the Portland, Oregon, area. 

Please note, you will enter in your donation method but it will not be processed until the application is approved. Upon approval, you will receive a variety of tools, resources, and benefits that will help you connect your people to God's mission and help make MissionConnexion events available to people in your community! 

Select Level

This is for churches who participate in MissionConnexion conferences and events generally held in the Phoenix, Arizona, area. 

Please note, you will enter in your donation method but it will not be processed until the application is approved. Upon approval, you will receive a variety of tools, resources, and benefits that will help you connect your people to God's mission and help make MissionConnexion events available to people in your community! 

Enter Contact Information
Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist